St Matthias', Dallas, is a parish serious about living out the Christian faith, and we do so chiefly in four ways:

We worship God our heavenly Father in the power of the Holy Spirit, as he has authoritatively revealed himself in his only Son, Jesus, the Lord and Savior. People who visit St Matthias' often comment on the joy of our worship and the beauty of our liturgy. If this is true, it is only because we ourselves want to be--in the words of Mother Teresa--"something beautiful for God," and we know that God is worthy of the best we can offer him.

We proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ Jesus, neither adding to nor taking from the deposit of Faith as we have received it in Holy Scripture and Apostolic Tradition.

We equip men and women of all ages with the treasures of scriptural teaching and sacramental grace, so that they may know, love, and serve Jesus Christ faithfully in this life, and enjoy him forever in the next. Being a Christian means being a disciple, and we are a parish where teaching and learning are central. Besides our Christian Education hour on Sunday morning, we offer courses throughout the year on weekday evenings. (Check out our Christian Education program to see what classes we are currently offering.).

We send our people out into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work of disciples.  St Matthiasites are involved in their community. This includes helping sponsor an afterschool program at a neighborhood elementary school, helping support a ministry to the needy in our northwest Dallas area through North Dallas Shared Ministries, and providing and serving a hot meal and sandwiches one evening each month to a homeless shelter in downtown Dallas.

For more information about what we're up to at St Matthias', you may want to check out our monthly newsletter, The Antiphon