In Search of Our Rector

St Matthias is presently seeking the priest we trust God is even now preparing for us. 

We invite you to explore our Parish Profile.

Interest & Inquiries


Mass Schedule

Matins 7:40am

Low Mass 8:00am

Christian Education 9:10am

Solemn Mass 10:30am


Read our most recent newsletter, the Antiphon to stay up to date with what’s happening at the church and in the community.

Our Mission

We are a parish serious about living the Christian faith. Through all we do, say, and preach, we pray that we will shine the light of Christ. 



Welcome to St Matthias' Anglican church. We are delighted to find you here and hope you will take the opportunity to worship with us. As a parish characterized by orthodox faith, traditional worship, and evangelical preaching, teaching and outreach, we hope you will find your spiritual home with us.